Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fading Moments

I watch the alluring twinkle,
In the star studded heaven.
Flaunting it splendor to me.
But all that I ogle is that solitary sparkle
Which flashes so radiantly

In the blue expanse,
Dwells the lively glint
Assertive, charismatic and magnificent.
But Alas! I dread a shadow so black
eclipsing my paradise.
Snatching my heaven, my stars, my dreams
All before my very eyes.

A pall of murkiness descends on me,
Was it my fate, luck or destiny?
All is gone, nothing left to be
But anguish, grief and agony

The loss of that dazzling star is irrevocable,
Which soared beyond all limits,
I shall not let it die unwept, unsung
But bequeath an existence so incessant.
So that all may shine as the brightest star
In their dreams, their life and their heaven.....

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