I dream all the way;
Be it the murkiest of night, or the brightest of day.
I dream like the birds, who wish to fly past the horizon,
I dream like the waves , who die against the tall dam,
I dream like the poor kid, who stands by the bakers shop.
Longing for the pie, over the oven top.
I dream, of the rainbow, I dream of the star,
I dream of everything close and all yet so far.
The winds change every hour and compel me to change my course,
The water over pours and tries to wash away the hope,
Yet, I stand so firm,
Living with a smile as strong,
With countless wishes, still unfulfilled
And a few more desires, to add to the bill.
All this ,makes up my little world,
Of sprints and tumbles ,both to stay,
Yes, I am a dreamer,
I dream all the way,
Be it the murkiest of night, or the brightest of day..