Tuesday, May 6, 2008

To Mumbai, With Love

I can see,
The countless lights beaming into the darkness,
I can hear,
The waters lashing on the rocky boundaries,
I can feel the winds blowing past the tresses of the charming dame,
And I observe..

I wonder,
Do the buildings not want to break out of the monotony of standing by the sea side forever?
Does the water not want to break free, when it’s been trapped forever?
Every thing here is so still and similar,
What lends dynamism to the place is the people.
People who visit the end of this city of dreams every day,
Those who sit by the muddy water, yet cherish it all the way,
Their lives are different, each ones its own..
Yet they come together at different times on the same stone.

I see so many introspective faces, gazing into nothingness..
Yet each of them has a different feeling, a loss, love or just fulfilment.
This place has shades, varied in every second of the hour.

I can sit here for a life time,
Just dreaming of life and its hues,
But ironically the city does not allow you..
The time to be the person you love. The person dats you!

I wrote dis poem cum article when I was sitting at Nariman Point , Mumbai..